Daisy Herbal Tea

Daisy Herbal Tea by Lyris Ethel is a natural healing tea packs power to strengthen, rejuvenate, and heal the nerve cells of those who have contracted Herpes Virus, Hsv-1, and Hsv-2 strands.

Hsv-1 strand is very contagious spreads from saliva contamination skin-to-skin contact, the appearance of a cold sore on the mouth, eye, fingers, blisters, ulcers, and rashes above the waist. Hsv-2 strand genital herpes is very contagious and often spread by skin-to-skin contact. Its appearance is visible on the body of blisters, ulcers, and a rash below the waist. In rare cases, the Herpes Virus has a short time to be active outside the body.

Daisy Herbal Tea by Lyris Ethel heals the damaged nerve cells over time that are located in the peripheral neurons by strengthening and rejuvenating the nerve cells located in the spinal root, outside the brain, and in the brain lining. Over time, the tingling and numbing sensation of the Herpes phases stops from occurring at the cellular level. You will no longer see the appearance of cold sore, blisters, rashes, and ulcers.

Daisy Herbal Tea by Lyris Ethel designed with you in mind. Just one sip, you can taste the delicious and refreshing recipe designed for your best healing experience. At Lyris Ethel, we go far beyond our peers to find the best quality herbs from the best suppliers around the world, never use cheap preservatives to spoil your tea.